Forschungsgruppe FOR 2926/2
Next Generation Perturbative QCD for Hadron Structure:
Preparing for the Electron-Ion Collider
The overall objectives of our Research Unit in the second funding period will be largely those of the first period, with refinements and extensions reflecting the composition of the Unit and the maturing of the EIC project. By assembling a Research Unit of a coherent group of experts with complementary but overlapping fields of expertise on a wide spectrum of topics in QCD as well as on the EIC, we will
- push the relevant theoretical framework to a level of precision that matches the experimental one expected for the 12 GeV CEBAF upgrade and the EIC, thus contributing to realizing the full potential of these accelerators;
- develop a new state of the art in studies of the “tomographic” structure of nucleons and nuclei by precision extractions of PDFs, FFs and GPDs from data;
- explore the impact of the gained precision on physics at the LHC;
- provide input for the continuously progressing development of the EIC detector and machine designs.
This agenda is as important as ever and has arguably now become even more pressing in view of the exciting move forward of the EIC project. Combining our efforts, we will play a prominent and lead role in this expanding and exciting area of research and generate important synergies, providing at the same time the German hadron and particle physics communities with a portal to the new territory that will be explored by these new machines.
Collaboration structure